MVAX 12/ 21/ 31/ 91 498 Type MVAX 12/ 21/ 31/ 91: Trip circuit supervision relays Features à ¯  ¿  ½ Low burden à ¯  ¿  ½ Trip circuit can be supervised with breaker open or....
The MCAG relay, used with a stabilising resistor, is designed for applications where sensitive settings with stability on heavy through faults are required, and is recommended....
The LFAA auto-reclose relay provides facilities for single or two-shot reclosures of one or two circuit breakers following their tripping for a fault on an overhead line. The....
Two-stage directional earth-fault relay for distribution networks Directional low-set earth-fault stage with definite time characteristic Directional high-set earth-fault....
Motors are the interface between electrical and mechanical equipment. They are connected to the machines they drive and are therefore exposed to the same environment. Motors may....
HFA Multicontact Auxiliary Relay The type HFA relay is designed for applications where a number of auxiliary functions must be performed simultaneously. Six contacts are....
Section 1. DESCRIPTION The MCGG 22, 42, 52, 62 and 82 are single, two, three or four pole overcurrent relays, with separate measuring boards for each phase or earth fault input.....
The LFAA auto reclose relay provides facilities for single or two shot reclosures of one or two circuit breakers following their tripping for a fault on an overhead line.
1. INTRODUCTION This document details the VDEW/ IEC60870-5-103 KITZ protocol converter. It describes the operation and features of the unit in sufficient detail to allow users....
Sepam Series 80 For custom applications PE50463 Characteristics b 42 logic inputs b 23 relay outputs b logical equation editor b 2 communication ports for multi-master or ....
MRI3 - Digital multifunctional relay for overcurrent protection 2 TD_ MRI3_ 11.07_ GB Contents 1 Introduction and application 2 Features and characteristics 3 Design 3.1....
Sepam series 20 Suitable for common applications, Sepam series 20 offers simple solutions based on current or voltage metering. b protection of substation incomers and feeders....
117 3 Base unit Presentation User-Machine Interface Two types of User-Machine Interfaces ( UMI) are available for Sepam series 80 base units: b mimic-based UMI b advanced....
Modem AJ2885P ensures the protected transport of the data 33, 600 bps, the transmission of fax to 14, 400 bps and provides a rate of 115, 200 bps to the terminal. Features à ¯ ....
Application and Description The MVTR 51 multi-shot, three phase auto-reclose relay is designed for use on medium voltage distribution or transmission systems. A block diagram ....
The residual overvoltage relay SPAU 110 C is designed to be used for earth fault protection and supervision in isolated neutral, resistance earthed or reactance earthed networks.....
Features â � ¢ Fail-safe sequential disconnection of current, voltage and trip circuits when the test-plug handle is inserted. â � ¢ Latching feature when the test-plug handle is....
Modul communications link BM 9100 AREVA Modul communications link BM 9100 AREVA Modul communications link BM 9100 AREVA Modul communications link BM 9100 AREVA
The following protective devices are used so that, upon a fault development inside a Transformer, an alarm is set off or the Transformer is disconnected from the circuit. In the....
REJ 525 is a combined phase and neutral overcurrent relay for short-circuit and time overcurrent protection and non-directional earth-fault protection of overhead lines and....