INCUNOL sanitation solutions hatching kill and control the virus, bacteria, and fungi incunol of mj pharma disinfectant is a disinfectant that is formulated specifically for hatching. phenols and....
Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen. About Us c-100-at Welcome to Store egg incubator " Kawi Jaya egg incubator" Agent egg incubator automatic and semi automatic....
thermometer temperature gauges are also used in order to measure the egg incubator hatching temperature.
Binoculars eggs ( candler) is a tool that serves eggs telescope for detecting and selecting where the fertile and infertile eggs. Baian know the contents of the egg with patulan / beam of light that....
humidity measuring device known as a hygrometer. humidity is one of the important factors of success do with the hatching egg incubator. because most of her eggs is 75% water. so if you do mrsin....
digital hermohygro is a blend of two temperature gauges ( thermometer) and humidity ( hygrometer) . This tool is the latest model previously used analiogjarum of slab now there is a kind of digital....
The term micro micro switch or micro switch, does not mean that the switch itself is small. The name indicates that the key used to operate a micro switch, just shifted by a very small displacement....
1000-1200 max capacity of chicken egg size of 90 � � 60 � � 125 cm Power 250 watt, 220 volt ( element) Material: particle board 1.3 cm thick Completeness of the product: 2 thermometer, tubs, ....
500-600 max capacity of chicken egg size of 60 � � 60 � � 125 cm Power 200 watt, 220 volt ( element) Material: particle board 1.3 cm thick Completeness of the product: 2 thermometer, tubs, desinfectan ....
Kawi Jaya store Incubator Agents egg incubator egg incubator provides automatic and semi-automatic as well as spare parts hatching tool Egg incubator can be used to incubate eggs of poultry and....
Incubator C 100 AT ( automatic turning) Egg incubator is a new solution carefully in the business world in order to increase the number of production livestock and poultry pertanakan efficiency. ....
AUTOMATIC MACHINE EGG incubators C-50 AT ( AUTOMATIC TURNING) Egg incubator is a new solution carefully in the business world in order to increase the number of production livestock and poultry....
A device electronic tool created for a wide variety of bird eggs hatch and poultry. such as: chicken, duck, stuck or ducks, doves, quail, walnuts and a swallow. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS; ....
Egg incubator is a tool designed for electronic incubation menetasan chicken eggs, duck, duck, pigeon, quail, swallows and others. The following specifications and completeness: SPECIFICATIONS....
Store Kawi Jaya egg incubator Incubator Agents egg incubator egg incubator provides automatic and semi-automatic as well as spare parts hatching tool Egg incubator can be used to incubate eggs of....