We serve the cooperation with similar companies .... in the Indonesian territory of West, Central and Eastern Indonesia. BRANCH OFFICE JAKARTA : ~ Jl. Anugerah Raya No. 3 Jatiwaringin - Jakarta....
We are a Company Service Delivery Project Goods Demands and FMCG Goods to the Term Of Shipment ( TOS) Door to door, Port To Port, Port To Door, Door to Port Nor. Shipping In Project Cargo & ....
We serve the cooperation with similar companies .... in the Indonesian territory of West, Central and Eastern Indonesia. ~ Office Jakarta : Office Phone : 021-84999488 & 021-95768505 SMS ONLY....
Know Tuna is a unique product that has a long production process. From the selection of the best raw materials to the storage process. Selection of appropriate raw materials to make products pack ran....
Welcome to the website of our company, our .... other processed. Our company is based in the poor eastern Java, thanks may be useful.....
Gynura segetum ( Lour.) Merr. atau Gynura .... Lour.) Merr. ~ Gynura pseudochina is grown in eastern Nigeria for its mucilaginous leaves, which are used in soups and sauces. ~ In northern....
DPkusumaFarmNusery is supplier of Agroproduct and Herbal business From Indonesia Lovely Countries , places in java island Indonesia .
This product is a superior product in Indonesia and also in eastern Java poor for the price of this product is not expensive and quite competitive even though the quality is fine and good , but we....
This company is a business that sells processed fishery products at a low price , but still maintain a good quality , it is also very fast peruasahan in its development because many national....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Brains banding is typical food of eastern Java from Gresik, processed fish has a taste that range from savory and spicy, refined products inidi created through a simple....
PT. FFS18 is a trading company engaged in the business venture provider of a wide range of results of fishery products, such as fresh fish products and that has been processed.
Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah. Indonesian = KASTUBA MERAH ~ EASTERN FLOWER ~ Kastuba ~ Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Et Klotzsch. ~ Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah. ~ READY STOCK EASTERN FLOWER= ....
" NURIDA_ FARM_ NUSERY" ....is naming a business entity engaged in the business services trade...~ RAW MATERIALS / PRODUCTS / CULTURE / ARTS CRAFTS / tools / equipment / field FARM MACHINERY / ....
Our company is engaged in the original arabica civet coffee drinks are existent in eastern Java poor telephone number 085 234 118 666 who are interested so please contact our distributor, , , email....
Plain Shirt Combed 30s Malang Offers Same Price For Any Size Buy 6 Pcs It Can Wholesale Price! ! ! White * * * * * * * * * * Unit = = = = = Rp. 20.000, - ( SMLXL) 6 Pcs = = = = = Rp. 19.000....
Company of agriculture in indonesia. We a very rich company, we have lot of anthurium and the others, please contact us for further information dont miss it! my english is very weak but actually iam....
Specialties which attracted many eastern Java and we serve with excellent taste delicious and savory chili seasoning plus tempeh and jerked meat, low prices are very affordable.
We sell specialist food typical eastern Java and rawon krawu rice at cheap and affordable and delicious taste. And we also cater for events and catering orders krawu rice and other cuisines. For....
Performance PT.Pratama Perkasa is a company vendor / partner PT PLN in eastern Java in 2010. Our company has gred 5, SIUJK, SBUJK, SKA, full Licensing. Executing meter reading unit in the region....
This is the best quality Agar-Agar Powder used for making desserts. It is also used for thickening, gel or set savory or sweet foods without any effect on flavour. It does not need previous hydration....
We have experienced to 15th in terms of production powder. And now we sdh started cultivating their own raw material for seaweed Gracilaria species which spreads its place in Palopo, Bone and eastern....
Jaya Mandiri skin is home industry is located in Malang, East Java, is engaged in the manufacture of various materials of leather, including leather sandals, leather jackets, gloves, chest protectors....
Jaya Mandiri skin is home industry is located in the poor eastern Java, is engaged in the manufacture of various materials of leather, including leather sandals, leather jackets, gloves, chest....
There are also red rice cereal and organic black rice cereal, more practical living can be brewed with hot water added sugar, honey or milk to taste, good for people with diabetes, high blood....
We are a group of organic farmers' poor district, .... chemicals ( organic) . Planting in poor mountain areas, eastern Java. Products We Also Got From LAB TEST CERTIFICATES Laboratory Testing of....
We provide the processed form of sugar coconut palm. Our sugar comes from the eastern Java in particular Banyuwangi, muddy and Lumajang. Our palm sugar that can be compared to a typical Java quality....
Our company is engaged in agriculture and livestock production areas. We have a vision of the welfare of members with a sense of kesetiyaan. we provide