we are a company engaged in the processing and sales of noni fruit powder. we have cooperated with many companies processing fodder. especially poultry such as chickens and quail. usefulness of noni....
we sought to develop a worm farm as one big agribusiness in poor, with many requests worms either in use as animal feed, cosmetic ingredients, as well as drugs, we are sure to always innovate to....
Berkat Mulya adalah industri pakan ternak sapi yang berada di Jl Raya Desa Sumberagung Ngantang Malang. Industri pakan ini didirikan berawal dari kepedulian terhadap para peternak sapi perah, ....
Mafa agrotama is a company engaged in the production, research, and product development and also the supplier of feed raw materials, finished fodder, crops, plantation crops, livestock and organic....
we are a company who can supply products that discribe in our catalog ( animals, goods, etc) If you interest just send me : email : styluzz_ 86@ yahoo.com phone : + 62857-550-60-701 WE WAIT....
We are a company engaged in the distribution and supply of fresh typical vegetables and fruits of Indonesia. Vegetables and fruits we sell are picked and / or harvested from the best farms in....
We are a company engaged in the animal feed industry, specifically industrial livestock food additives for poultry feed, animal feed and feed ruminansi fishery. Currently the products we produce are....
We provide the facilities you need: 1. Agricultural Products & Facilities 2. Organic fertilizer 3. An-brand Organic Fertilizer NPK 16-16-16 Palm Costarica 4. Raw Feed Protein Content + / - 80% ....
agen beras, distributor beras, grosir beras, pabrik beras, toko beras, gula pasir, beras murah, agen gula pasir, distributor gula pasir
PT. BeeCo Utama Mandiri, were established on April 29th 2006 in Sidoarjo Indonesia. We started our bussines as general trading, supplier for paper, charcoal and furniture. Our market, cooperation in....