our company sell many product of fisheries such us DORI LOKAL, CUMI FLOWER
Our company as a brand to sell fishery products. bring a good product for a happy life. from us to you for a good future. Our company has a goal to create a healthy life. we have a passion to make it....
processed nutritious processed fish and add keke
we sell a variety of quality frozen fish products
We industry from indonesia that move in the field of fisheries , particularly in terms of marketing .The main product we meatballs a , without spines a , cephalopods ring , dori import , small....
This company was established based on the tasks assigned as a condition of graduation courses of international trade
Our company provides a wide range of food processed fishery products with the best quality
Our business serves a variety of processed fishery products aimed at raising the economic value and diversify the material processed fresh fish....
Our company is engaged in agriculture. Provide products such as coffee, ginger, onion, fried shallots. With guaranteed quality.
Our company is engaged in the processing of fisheries, which sells fish products such as bakso bandeng, batari, cumi ring, dori import, tresi, otak-otak bandeng, udang cook, kepala cumi, etc
This company is a business that sells processed fishery products at a low price , but still maintain a good quality , it is also very fast peruasahan in its development because many national....
Our company provides a wide range of processed fish to the state of the packaging in the form of a freezer . we try to offer this product as a first step to create a habit of eating fish all over the....
Our company engaged in the marketing of fishery products of Indonesia
UD Perikanan Jaya, Industry In Indonesia. we serve fisheries product, we have many Fish product from Indonesia Sea.
frozilicious fish is a company that selling a product from fishery. this company concentrate specially for frozen product. the reason frozen fish selected for this company is because frozen is a....