the enumerator machine grass, serves to destroy the grass before it is processed into compost
We are, CV. MAJU BERSAMA MACHINERY ( is a manufacturer and distributor of machines Appropriate Technology which includes food machines, Agriculture, Packer, and Industry, which....
This machine can be used also for chopping cloves, elephant grass and others. Results chopping can be used for various purposes such as compost, fertilizer and animal feed
Sell " PUPUK ORGANIK 35 PLUS" SERBUK Specifications as follows: - PH = 7.4; - C. Organic = 23.80; - = 1.60; - C / N = 14.8; - Organic Materials = 31.4; - P = 0.42; - K = 2.58 ....
TUNAS MAKMUR is a Malang Farmers Group in the Village district. Sumberpucung Kab .. Organic fertilizers that produce poor-quality fermentation at an affordable price in the form of powder and Granule....
Humus Bio Soil Conditioner " Humus booster" enriched organic fertilizer made of filter cake, Ash Boiler & livestock waste that has been in perfect fermentation and passed a microbe Energize....
CV. Trans Tritunggal Jaya is company in , Agrobusiness. and address in Malang, East java - Indonesia