We provide products that are required in carrying out the duties of the police civil service ( POL PP) . In creating the goods, we are in the Bantu by health experts that have been experienced. Dozen....
We are engaged in convection, supplair and trading clothes. We also provide services and produce equipment, security and various uniforms. We are also willing to cooperate in following the tendering ....
CLOTHES Satpol PP / PP Satpol UNIFORM WITH ACCESSORIES company we were the barometer Our garment industry is based in Malang - JATIM, received orders pembbuatan CLOTHES Satpol PP / PP Satpol UNIFORM....
We accept orders department shoes, shoes PDL, PDH shoes, shoes Well, shoes PDU., Tagana shoes, military boots, police boots, shoes SECURITY / SECURITY, POL PP shoes, boots and shoes Provost....
Our company received an order t-shirts, shirts, .... t-shirts Transportation Agency, security shirts, pp pol shirts, shirts etc. The national police. materials we use like below. We accept orders in....