To shed dead skin cells dry lips, soften lips, make lips also be somewhat natural blush, and more plumpy. How To Use: Take a taste, apply lip service, let stand 5-10 minutes, and immediately....
I am very concerned with your friends of the Green Mommy, including products that you put the skin and into your body. Ecocare & Ecosmetics is beauty and body care products free of synthetic....
This very gentle cleanser to cleanse sensitive skin, contains ingredients that soothe the skin such as chamomile, jasmine, green tea and zinc oxide. Made From: saponified green tea oil, zinc oxide, ....
Activated charcoal as its main ingredient has the ability to absorb excess facial oil, has gentle exfoliating effect and essential oilnya help cure acne. Made From: Rhassoul clay, licorice, tea....
product Information Scrub for oily-acne prone skin. Blend the ingredients it contains minerals that are good for the skin, as well as skin gently exfoliates dead skin cells and shed naturally.....
Translate product Information Facial scrubs are made from a variety of organic tropical spices, this mixture is rich in nutrients that are unique to the skin while gently exfoliates dead skin. The....
Facial cleanser from vegetable oils that create a natural healthy skin, clean, fresh, and luminous. Gently cleanses the skin, making it soft, fresh, and healthy. Suitable for the most sensitive skin.....
Cleansing the face of a soft blend of plants that contain healing to the skin. Being able to clean the skin of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells without the use of cleaners containing detergent. Make....
Mild natural soap cleaners, for oily skin and acne. Suitable for you who want to get the balance of wear and oil-based cleaners made from soap. How To Use: Use the Rainforest your favorite....