For spec information, photos, videos more visit our website at or our Showroom: Malang - East Java: Jl. Fortunately North Suropati Kav.10 & 11 - Kesatrian In Email: ....
Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang permesinan agricultural ( mesin-mesin pasca panen) Kami menyediakan aneka mesin-mesin : Makanan, Pertanian, Peternakan dan Mesin Industri Teknologi....
Vacuum frying machine or vacuum fryer may be used to make chips both derived from fruits, vegetables and fish and chicken to be food-shaped chips with flavors and colors remain the same as the fresh....
needs skewers and toothpicks so big that we need a tool to meet the capacity needs of the skewer. for it takes a couple of machines include: cutting machine, planer machines, smoothing machines, ....
- Machines shaved ( knife 1 Receptor) capacity. 25 kg / 7jam 200watt power the price of 4 million - Machines shaved ( Knife 2 Holes) capacity. 50 kg / 7 hours 350watt power price 6 million....
MACHINE sharpening skewers Function: To sharpen / sharpen sticks of bamboo skewers Specifications: This machine is driven by electric motors 1HP 220V Dimensions: 150 x 80 x 80 cm Capacity: 40kg -....