Vacuum frying machine or vacuum fryer may be used to make chips both derived from fruits, vegetables and fish and chicken to be food-shaped chips with flavors and colors remain the same as the fresh....
Kepercayaan dan menjaga kualitas barang adalah urat nadi usaha kami.Kami tumbuh dan berkembang karena menjaga kepercayaan konsumen, menerima kritik dan saran yang membangun serta tetap menjaga....
needs skewers and toothpicks so big that we need a tool to meet the capacity needs of the skewer. for it takes a couple of machines include: cutting machine, planer machines, smoothing machines, ....
- Machines shaved ( knife 1 Receptor) capacity. 25 kg / 7jam 200watt power the price of 4 million - Machines shaved ( Knife 2 Holes) capacity. 50 kg / 7 hours 350watt power price 6 million....
MACHINE sharpening skewers Function: To sharpen / sharpen sticks of bamboo skewers Specifications: This machine is driven by electric motors 1HP 220V Dimensions: 150 x 80 x 80 cm Capacity: 40kg -....