Experimental method is providing the opportunity for individual students or groups, to be trained in performing a process or trial. Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, ( 2000) . According Roestiyah ( 2001: 80....
Mediatek Corp House Of Software is a company engaged in the field of Software Developer Education. We will provide products - software and hardware products are the best to consumers. Thank you for....
Interactive Map of Indonesia is a picture of the earth on a flat surface with a certain scale through a projection system is presented digitally equipped with software and digital Pen to operate so....
Definition Globe is a small globe in three dimensions with a slope of 66 1/ 8 on the ecliptic line ( field bimu circulation) and with a slope of 23 1/ 8 of matahari.Globe also be referred to as an....
Ruang Praktikum 1. Kursi Mahasiswa 2. Meja Presentator 3. Kursi Presentator 4. Camera CCTV( Colour + Rotary) 5. Microphone Area 6. Room Speaker 7. LCD Proyektor + Screen 8. ....
Mediatek Corp. provides Interactive Learning Software for Junior High School ( SMP) in accordance with the guidelines of ICT 1. biology 2. physics 3. mathematics 4. economy 5. geography 6.....
Mediatek Corp. provides Software Interactive Learning for Elementary School ( SD) according to the guidelines of ICT 1. IPS 2. ICT 3. PKN 4. SKILLS 5. ENGLISH 6. IPA 7. MATH Information & ....