The squid has incredible nutritional content because protein content is high, ie 17.9 g/ 100 g squid segar.serta contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acids are....
Sells a wide range of processed fish products are hygienic and frozen fish without the use of preservatives.
Rich in unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3, iodine, iron, magnesium, taurine, selenium, fluoride, DHA, EPA and for patients with hypertension, the content of DHA and EPA in fish potent to help lower....
Rich in protein content of protein crab approximately 22 gr/ 100 gr.kepiting also rich in omega-3 fatty acid that is equal to 407 mg / 100 gr.Tinggi content of vitamin B12. The crab also contain....
Fat content in meat squid is relatively low, at 7.5 g/ 100 g of material, each containing 1.9 g of saturated fatty acids; 2.7 g monounsaturated fatty acids; and 2.1 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids.....
In addition to delicious, nutrient-rich squid. There are proteins, minerals, and various vitamins. Its liquid ink, useful for fighting tumors. Protein content is quite high, namely 17.9 g/ 100 g....
This interferes with the enjoyment of thorns in his flesh. This disorder can be overcome with the use of high pressure cooker ( Presto) within a certain time, so that it becomes soft spines and can....
Banding also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Able to increase endurance and play a role in brain growth in the fetus.
Total energy content of 129 kcal = milkfish Total protein content = 20 g milkfish Fat content of milkfish amount = 4.8 g Total Carbohydrate Content of milkfish = 0 g Total Content of Calcium = 20....
The crab meat is very low in calories, natural nutritional source of omega-3 fatty acids. Lovers of soft-shelled crabs guaranteed good.