Shrimp is a food that has a source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, omega-3 and amino acids which are good for health. Shrimp also known as foods that are low in calories, making it suitable for the....
Our company engaged in seafood processing. Here we provide a wide range of processed seafood products which have the best quality and are certainly highly nutritious.
Shrimp cook a shrimp that has been cooked but didak reduce nutrient content contained therein. The process of preservation is also a natural way with the freezing process.
Tuna is known as omega-3 content is high so it is good for your health. but it is also as resources in vitamins and minerals. By eating tuna, can prevent disease stroke and obesity.
Mackerel fish containing an energy of 109 kilocalories, 21.5 grams protein, 2.6 grams of fat. The results obtained from conducted a study of 100 grams of fish Tengiri, the number of which can be....
Crab is known as one of the sea food ( seafood) are favored by our society. Crabs have a good source of protein ( containing about 18-19.5 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Sausage is made from of milkfish are finely chopped and mixed with herbs and spices then boiled and preservation processes by means frozen.
Scallop of milkfish is processed from milk fish which have high nutritional and good for health.
Otak otak of milkfish is made from fresh of milkfish by mixing meat processing where subtle of milkfish with various spices and other supporting materials produce dough brains were savory and....
Fish kresi a small snapper fish. This snapper has been processed in a manner in fillets, so consumers do not have to painstakingly separate the bones and spines thorn from his flesh. Snapper selenium....
Soft-shelled crabs are very popular with foodies sea food, because this crab soft / soft-shelled, in addition to not bother to eat it because the skin does not need to be set aside, also higher....