CUMIRING PRICE: Rp 78, 000 we offer our products from a limb that is cumiring squid in round slices to resemble a ring so-called nutritional cincin.Kandungan cumiring or squid squid which is quite....
processed nutritious processed fish and add keke
SHRIMP COOK ( Cook shrimp) PRICE: Rp 91, 000 we offer products from us that cook.Udang shrimp fishery is one commodity that has the benefits and nutritional value is quite high, which is needed....
kresi PRICE: Rp 45, 500 we offer products from us, called the Small yaituKakap kresi is one of fishery commodities that have benefits and nutritional value is high enough, certainly not inferior to....
HEAD squid PRICE: Rp 22, 100 I offer a product from us that the head of the squid that contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. Phosphorus and calcium are very....
Dori IMPORT PRICE: Rp 65, 000 benefit Well it turns out is a lot of benefits Dori Fish & Fish Dori research menyehatkan.Berdasarkan contain unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3, iodine, iron, ....
BTR ( milkfish Without Thorns) PRICE: Rp 49, 500 We offer products from us are banding without thorns. milkfish thornless banya contain omega-3 nutrition, healthy fats, protein, folic acid, ....
SAUSAGE MILKFISH PRICE: Rp 11, 000 Sausage banding is one of fishery commodities that have benefits and nutritional value is high enough, certainly not inferior to other products. Sossis milk....
BAKSO MILKFISH PRICE: Rp 11, 000 We offer the latest products, namely milk crispy made from processed fish. This crispy milk contains omega-3 is good for children' s growth and well also in....