Snapper Fish contains an energy of 92 kilocalories, 30 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C 0.05 milligrams 0 milligrams of every 100 grams of snapper
The company was founded in 2014 in Malang, this company is a company that sells products processed fishery products still fress, there are various kinds of processed products such as squid ring, ....
Without banding Duri Duri Without a semi-finished product in the form of fisheries fresh raw milk that has been boned and thorns
Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products, ie no spine, easily digestible, has a distinctive flavor and aroma, and contain all the essential amino acids needed by the body
Milkfish is a source of high animal protein, rich in vitamin B complex and silenium
Dori fish is one of the types of fish that has a very white color and soft texture is a little chewy.
Shrimp cook is one of the variety of products that offer convenience for consumers to not peel the shrimp and cook it again ..
You all certainly familiar with the results of this sea. The shape is soft, not prickly, taste delicious, nutrient-rich. Yes, squid name. Some areas there was a call to Enus, nus, cuttlefish, or....
Brains banding is fish and meat that is issued in reinsert after mixed spices typical. Make brains banding is not difficult. Raw banding issued meat, bones, and prickly. Then mixed spice, similar....