This is new product for consument. The product from shrimp that to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from udang is protein. Itâ € ™ s give to natural healty .....
My a business to offer for fisheries frozzen product at Malang, Jawa Timur. I' m a selling for fisheries frozzen product as a shrimp, scallop. kresi, bandeng, crab, tuna, dori and octopus. my product....
This is new product for consument. The product from bandeng fish that a shape like beef sosis that to keep frozzen -18oC. Weâ € ™ re know in the market many Sosis Product from beef, thereâ € ™ s no from....
This is new product for consument. The product from bandeng fish that given a flour and then to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from Bandeng fish is....
This is new product for consument. The product from kakap and the famous called Kresi that to keep frozzen -18oC. Kakap give to positive implied for the body, because on kakap there is protein. Itâ € ™ ....
This is new product for consument. The product from octopus head that to keep frozzen -18oC. This product to selling just octopus head, without the body. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know....
This is new product for consument. The product from dori fish that to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from dori fish is protein, omega-3, DHA for....
This is new product for consument. The product from octopus that ring shape, without head and wing and then to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from....
This is new product for consument. The product from crab that to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from crab is protein. Itâ € ™ s give to natural healty ......
This is new product for consument. The product from bandeng fish that nothing thorn and then to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from Bandeng fish is....
This is new product for consument. The product from bandeng fish that to keep frozzen -18oC. The use from this product is weâ € ™ re know about implied from Bandeng fish is protein. The bakso shape is....