processed milk meatballs made from basic ingredients fish, with the selection of quality meat then processed product made meatballs that have known that fish have a lot of protein for the development....
PT. FFS18 is a trading company engaged in the business venture provider of a wide range of results of fishery products, such as fresh fish products and that has been processed.
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Milkfish without thorns ( goddess) one processed in the field of fisheries into many products in the interest of a wide....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Dori fillet is processed fish products dori which has been in fillets, fish are fish that have been much in the favorite by the public, not one of these fish have been....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Creative ( small snapper) , is a processed product snapper who have moderate consumption size, snapper famous as the typical food served by a restaurant or a restaurant....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Brains banding is typical food of eastern Java from Gresik, processed fish has a taste that range from savory and spicy, refined products inidi created through a simple....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Cook shrimp is processed products of shrimp that has been cooked half-baked. This cook shrimp is processed based on the choice of material shrimp or tiger prawn shrimp....
KLAISIFIKASI PRODUCTS Squid head that contains nearly equal to squid or squid flower ring, squid head is taken from the body of the squid then cleansed and stored in a frozen tub with a temperature ....
CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS Sausage milk is processed products such as sausages are made from fish, milkfish sausage made clinically and preservative free, sausage milkfish has a structure that is....