Processed products fisheries is a meatball with a raw material of fresh fish , and a condiment choice guaranteed high protein containing delicious and good for all citizens .
Allow us to introduce our company as a selling fisheries product in Indonesia. A variety of our fishery products that offer likes : milkfish ball, milkfish, squid rings, head squid etc. ln case....
Sausage made from basic milkfish choice with the best quality high protein , savory , having the texture soft flesh guaranteed delicious
Milkfish choice with the best quality high protein having the texture soft flesh.
Choice filet snapper with the best quality high protein having the texture soft flesh
Processed fisheries with the fundamental substance of choice, a fresh fish tender meat, without a thorn.
Fisheries products made from fresh raw squid choice , high protein good for the development of children and everyone.
choice of squid products with the best quality high protein, savory, chewy meat texture features
Shrimp processed choice with the best quality high protein , savory , having the texture soft flesh
Fish filet dori choice of the highest quality high protein having the texture soft flesh