scallop meat made from fish that has a high protein content that is easily absorbed and good for consumption by all ages . In addition , fish also include lower cholesterol . Fish also contain....
Provides a wide range of fishery products are fast and hygienic . Fishery products is very good for consumption because the nutrients contained in very good to increase growth for both children and....
Omega-3 fatty acids in crab serves to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood , thus preventing cardiovascular disease ( heart ) , boost immunity , improve the function of the nervous system and....
Mackerel is good for health because it contains omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to the intelligence of the brain , and reduce the risk of heart disease . When compared with beef meat fish has....
The crab is an excellent addition to a healthy diet . This is because the crab meat is very low in calories with only about 85-90 per 100 grams ( depending on the type of crab ) . This crab meat does....
Tofu is a snack that is very familiar with the tongue of Indonesia . In addition to its high protein content , know much consumed because the price is cheap . Tuna fish meat , rich in protein and....
Dori fish contain unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3 , Eicosapentaenoic acid / EPA , docosahexanoic acid / DHA , iodine , selenium , fluoride , iron , magnesium , zinc , taurine and coenzyme Q10 )
Peeled squid is the latest innovation to attract the public ' s appetite to consume squid squid because we often encounter still in one piece and allows people to process them into some sort olahan....
The squid has exceptional nutritional content because of its protein content is high, ie 17 , 9 g / 100 g fresh squid . Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products , ie no spine , ....
Nutrition per 100 grams of meat duo is inergi 129 kcal , 20 g protein . fat 4.8 g . calcium 20 mg . Phosphorus 150 mg iron 2 mg . SI A150 vitamins , and vitamin B1 0.05 mg . Protein banding is quite....
Protein levels in tuna nearly twice the levels of the protein in eggs is known as the primary protein source . Tuna is a type of fish with a high protein content and low fat . Tuna fish containing....
Shrimp protein content is categorized as a " complete protein " because of the high levels of amino acids , the full profile , and about 85-95 percent of the protein is easily digested . 100 grams of....