This is the same banding meatball meatballs generally only be made of fish meat that has a high protein content
This FisheryFood firms providing online services for the sale of processed fishery products with the best quality , for consumers who want to buy can contact this company .
fish without spines is processed fish that is already free from his thorn so harmless to consume
This ring of processed squid squid that have shaped like rings and frozen with quality healthy
import dori dori is derived from fish that mnegambil of imported raw material is then processed in such a way that a high nutritional value
kresi a result filetan snapper are processed into frozen , yaang make products with high nutritional indigo
fish is already contain meat stir milk with flavoring that has been separated from the thorns , so that the product lists different types of products are ready
This product provides a breakthrough for shrimp lovers , because this shrimp has been processed such that the product is ready to suit the tastes of consumers
head of the squid fishery is processed marine products which only take part squid head just because possess compounds that can prevent cancer
Products Made From initial sausage meat processed fish Guaranteed taste , quality content and quality