crispy milk is processed fish products are already difillet and crispy flour seasoned with glaze . crispy milk is very practical for consumers who do not have time to cook but want to eat fish . the....
" Fish and crab Food " is a company engaged in the processing of fisheries , providing a wide range of processed fish and frozen crab , high quality and economical price is a priority that we have to....
scallop banding is different processed forms offered to meet and satisfactory predilection for fish with a variety of unique and practical . with packs of 250 grams and a very good nutrition , it can....
squid flower is a processed food of squid that had been cleaned and cut to resemble flowers , this product is very nice to be processed into a wide variety of food menu , with additional seasoning....
squid squid peel is already dirposes with cleaned the inside of the body to the remaining parts of the body only. in 100 grams of squid meat contained 72 % protein , 14 % carbohydrate and 14 % fat
crab claw meat that we offer have thick , vitamins A and D , low fat content , suitable for all ages from children to adults .
soft-shelled crab is a crab that has kuliat are still in a state of new software for changing skin . crab is an excellent addition to a healthy diet . crab meat because it is very low in calories
peeled shrimp is a shrimp that have been peeled , has high quality and nutritional value . benefits of eating shrimp that prevent cancer , prevent anemia , increase energy and strengthen bones
tuna fillet that we use the best quality with thick flesh and nutritionally complete , efficacy filletr eat tuna that prevent strokes , good for heart health and prevent obesity
mackerel steaks are part of the body that difillet mackerel fish horizontally . mackerel which we used to have super quality , thick fleshy and easy to be processed . complete nutritional content....
dori fish still in a state of fresh and frozen , soft structure and it was tasty , and easily processed into foods high flavor