Brains banding, including low cholesterol. Saturated fat is one of the causes of arterial blood clots that lead to coronary heart disease. By eating fish regularly is one way a good diet to prevent....
Our company provides the results of fishery products.
Value categorized complete protein because protein amino acid levels are high, the full profile, and about 85-95 percent easily digested. 100 grams of shrimp contains 20.3 grams of protein or....
Indonesian society is very concerning milkfish. Delicacy fish certainly is not foreign to the tongue of the Indonesian people. Because milk has many benefits. A wide variety of processed milkfish....
Squid is one of the seafood is very popular among seafood lovers. Now the activities of the scientists are looking for the active substance in the ink and isolate it. Substances suspected it works by....
Dori fish contain unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3, Eicosapentaenoic acid / EPA, docosahexanoic acid / DHA, iodine, selenium, fluoride, iron, magnesium, zinc, taurine and coenzyme Q10) . By eating....
Milkfish contain many nutrients and are very useful for the body. In fish contains an energy of 129 kilocalories, protein 20 gramkarbohidrat 0 grams, 4.8 grams fat, 20 milligrams of calcium, ....
Kresi or small snapper fish are foods commonly consumed by people of Indonesia. Snapper Fish contains an energy of 92 kilocalories, 20 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fat, 20....