cook shrimp are cooked shrimp without tails, this product according to you who have a busy schedule it is practical to process them without having to bother to peel again
Provides Some Frozen Food Products that clean and healthy
Milkfish contains high minerals, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids that are needed by health, as well as salmon or other fish species. Fish is also believed to improve health, and even intelligence....
This small snapper has a content which is very much to be of good nutrition for children for future growth
Fat content in meat squid is relatively low, ie 7, 5g / 100 g of materials, each consisting of 1.9 g of saturated fatty acids; 2.7 g monounsaturated fatty acids; and 2.1 g of polyunsaturated fatty....
Dori fish contain unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3 or fat is needed for the growth of brain cells and infant intelligence also serves to reduce the body' s production of inflammatory particles that....
The squid has exceptional nutritional content because of its protein content is high, ie 17, 9 g / 100 g fresh squid. Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products, ie no spine, ....