Product : Sosis Bandeng Netto : 250 gram Price : Rp. 11.000 sausage banding is the same product with sausage in general but the sausage milkfish are more nutritional content because the material....
We UD Surya Bahari Supplier fresh fish processed in the form of Frozen Fish ready though Address Jln Bendungan Nawangan No. 13 Malang
Product : Kepala Cumi Netto : 1 kg Price : Rp 22.100 The squid has exceptional nutritional content because of its protein content is high, ie 17.9 g / 100 g fresh squid. Meat squid has....
Product : Udang Cook Netto : 1kg Price : Rp 91.000 Some of the health benefits you can get from eating shrimp, among others, 1. Maintain a healthy cardiovascular ( heart) due to the content of....
Product : Otak-otak Bandeng Netto : Curah Price : 89.400 Omega 3 milk content on milkfish ( 14.2% ) , Sardines / Mackerel ( 3.9% ) , Salmon ( 2.6% ) , and Tuna by 0.2% , 20.83% protein
Product: small snapper ( kresi) Netto: 1 kg Price: Rp 45, 500 Kresi ( small snapper) is the difillet snapper fish meat. nutrients that are needed by the body, among others: 1. amino acids, ....
Product : Dori Import super Netto: 1 kg Price: Rp. 65, 000 PRODUCT CONTENT the import dori contain unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, iodine, iron, magnesium, teurin, selenium, fluoride, ....
Nama Produk : Batari ( Bandeng Tanpa Duri) Berat : Curah Harga : Rp 49, 400 ikan bandeng mengandung 116% vitamin B, yaitu 12, 44% niacin , 24% vitamin B6, dan 15 persen asam pantotenat.
Product : Cumi Ring Netto : 1 kg Price : 78.000 Squid rings treated with hygienic and modern packing process
meatballs milkfish Net: 250 grams price: USD 11, 000 Meatballs made from fresh fish, with a modern and hygienic packing