Tuna fillet a fish meat parts obtained by slicing fish spine utuhsepanjang starts from behind the head to near the tail. tuna fish fillets can be further processed products such as tuna steak ikan....
Frozen Fish provides a wide range of frozen fish products with the best quality, and guaranteed hygiene. This fishery products have the high nutritional value making it suitable for consumption all....
Shrimp contains strong antioxidants, which selenium can protect baldness and cancer risk. Also very useful for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, a hormone that if the level is very low can lead to....
Mackerel Steak is processed mackerel fishery products in the form of steaks rich high quality protein and omega 3 for intelligence, suitable to be enjoyed with grilled steak sauce was tasty and....
Scallop milkfish is one form of the processing of milk without spines are processed in the form of high scallop containing nutrients such as vitamins, protein and low fat content match market demand....
So delicious when eaten soft-shelled crab is no need to break the shell, but can be eaten together with its shell. In short, eat crabs so good as eating meat. Additionally Crab Soka have high....
Dori fish now very familiar in the tongue foodies archipelago. In the modern market, available dori fish whole or fillet ready olah.Selain good, it turns dori fish store variety of vitamins and....
Peeled squid processed with cleaned the inside of the body to the remaining parts of the body saja.Dalam 100 grams of squid meat contained 72% protein, 14% carbohydrate and 14% fat.
Flower squid is a processed food of squid that had been cleaned and cut to resemble flowers. This product is very nice to be processed into a wide variety of food menu. in the restaurant or at home.....
Crabs are very easy to be encountered in traditional markets or supermarkets. Crabs also served as seafood in a variety of fine cuisine in the stalls tent on the edge of the road and in upscale....
Crispy banding is a modern innovation snacks made from fish spines unplug added spice crispy flour so indulge tongue memakannya.Bandeng crispy created for lovers community ikan.Parsaingan market is....