Made from originals squid meat, that has been cleaned. Served as fried squid, boiled squid. Delicious eaten with sauce.
Blog set up for fans of processed fishery product. Where you can get processed fishery product with easy, practical, inexpensive, affordable, and reliable. happy shopping - FISH.INC -
Fresh milkfish who' ve processed be crispy milkfish. Smeared with flour. Crispy tasty....
Made from fresh squid head, who cleaned peeled of the skin
Made from originals Indonesian dory fish. Frozen in the fridge. Meat texture is tender. Eating well does not need to be long. The fish meat has a distinctive and delicious taste. Has good nutritional....
Made from originals crab claw. Crab meat is very low calories only about 85-90/ 100 grams, crab claw has hight calcium. Easily processed and tasty crab claw for any given seasoning.
Crab is an excellent to diet. The crab meat is very low calories only 85-90/ 100 grams ( depending on the type of crab) . Crab meat doesn' t contain fat, but generally unsaturated fats which very....
Made from fresh processed milkfish which mixed with flour and other seasonings to eliminate the fishy smell. Easy to cook ang recomended for people doesn' t like fish..
Made from fresh tengiri fish in fillets and has been excluded from the thorns. Tengiri meat. Has a lot of content that is needed by the body.
Made from fresh tuna which is already at the fillet and packed in pack. Tuna has many benefits for body. Content of tuna can help prevent breast cancer, prevent obesity, prevent stroke, and good for....
Made from fresh shrimp harvested were cleaned from the skin and head, then preserved in the freezer. Served as fried shrimp, boiled shrimp. Delicious eaten with sauce.