WTW BOD With Oxitop Control
�BOD self-check
Biogas Determination
Mercury-free measurement
Biochemical oxygen demand BOD determination is still one of the most important
parameters in water resource management. It can be used to evaluate the impact
of biodegradable substances in waters and waster water. With its OxiTop® systems,
WTW offers a unique, modular and mercury-free instrument system. It is not only
suitable for BOD determination, but also for measuring biodegradability and depletion.
The advantages of OxiTop® and OxiTop® Control: simple operation, improved
controllability and non-toxicity, and measuring ranges of up to 400 000 mg/l BOD
(with OxiTop® Control OC 110). As the measured pressure is automatically converted
the values can be directly read as mg/l BOD.
With OxiTop® and OxiTop® Control
OxiTop® OxiTop® Control OC 100 OxiTop® 110
Application BOD routine BOD routine, BOD routine, standard and
BOD standard BOD special, Respiration/Dilution,
Soil respiration, Biodegradability,
Biogas determination
BOD range 0 � 4,000 mg/l 0 � 4,000 mg/l 0 � 400,000 mg/l
Measured value memory 5 days 0.5 h � 99 days 0.5 h � 99 days
Pressure mode � � Pressure p 500 � 1.350 hPa
Sample volume Fixed Fixed Definable
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