Ribless Programming Cable for: - Setting Trunking System - Setting Trunking Personality - Setting Trunking Talk Group - Setting Trunking Control Channel - Setting Trunking ID - Setting Zone....
1. Programming / Copy / Clonning ( EPROM, MCU Microcontroller, FLASHROM, EEPROM, PAL, GAL, PIC) 2. Sales of Automotive Scan Tool Cars ( BMW, AUDI, MERCEDES-BENZ, TOYOTA, HONDA, MITSUBISHI, ISUZU, ....
We give internet conection & instalasi for internet pass satellite ( V Sat) for the Warnet or company needing infinite internet conection no time limited ( 24 hour on line) with cheap expense.
Our company make a move in the field of electronic with specification of satelit internet conection, Alarm Office, electronic application, computer hardware, communications with radio, etc My email....