Fruit crisps brand KAJEYE is a quality product because it is made from fresh fruits and quality. It is suitable for an additional parcel, snacking and by the by. Our Products: crispy apples, star....
KTI now produce Iron Sand with Fe content> 52% , which is to plan for the future will be in the iron sand fox in the form of pellets
Indonesian Mining Cooperatives ( KTI) is a company engaged in mining iron ore ( iron sand) to meet market share both within and outside the country. The founders were a native son who is fully....
BRICK LIGHT FOCON INTERLITE FOCON INTERLITE an innovative modern building materials and the latest that has been developed for more than 80 years ago in Europe, and currently has....
Global Megatruss a lightweight steel roof truss ( Galvalume / Zincalume) . With high-grade steel using G550 with a layer of alm 55% , 43% silicon zinz 1.6% . mild steel prices cheapest in kaltim....
Bambu Jepang, just like common hard bamboo, the different is only its all in tiny size: Bamboo in tiny size, AND creeping. Max. diameter : + / - 3 mm; height : ~ ; leaf' s color: soft green; grow in....
I want to introduce a plant locally called as Bambu Jepang ( in local name - i dont know the scientific name of this plants) , also offering souvenirs from bambu, traditionally design, inspired from....
Country Of Origin: Indonesia Moisture % : 10% Shelf life; 2 years Departure Port : Surabaya port Impurity ( Other product) : 0.1%
We are one of the agricultural exporters company in Indonesia, particularly in the clove stems ( HS. 09071030) and clove stem oil ( HS. 33012921) . We own plantations in Indonesia. To ensure....
These sensors can detect the heat of fire without burning directly. Inside the sensor there will bimetal strip when the sensor is in contact ering significant temperature changes ( usually changes in....
We are a company engaged in procurement of goods and services contractors, Exterior and Interior Design, Solar Power, Procurement Office and School Equipment, Languages and Computer Laboratory, ....
wedding invitations cheap wedding invitations jayapro work, printing wedding invitation card, wedding invitation with wedding invitations cheap price as well as the design of sample design unique....
We sell dry " cengkeh" and congried " cengkeh" with low price and high quality directly from the farmer. water degree is about AB 6, AB 8, AB 3, AB 4. ready to be survey to our location!
Indocengkeh is a local company focus on buy-sell dry and wet " cengkeh" , " cengkeh" leaf and also " cengkeh" oil.
Multipurpose Mixer Is Suitable For Entrepreneurs And Beverage FOOD using a husband . Mixer WITH capacity of 15 liters , 125 watt Power cuman that takes . Quite WITH Rp . 2, 500, 000 Could Anda buy....
We are a company that provides some sort of Ice Pack or Blue Ice . Ice packs that we sell very economical for small industrial food / drinks fresh , ice cream , fish , fresh milk , fresh chicken , ....
Lantern Oval 27cm diameter 45 cm high . Price Rp 60, 000 with rattan frame and wrapped in cloth illustrated with DTG print system that will be in the original image as desired . 081252265758
" Kampoeng Lampion " adalah home industri kerajinan tangan berupa Lampion yang terletak di Kota Malang Jawa Timur, tepatnya di Jl. Ir. H. Juanda yang merupakan sentra/ pusat kerajinan dan penjualan....
We provide any agricultural products such as potatoes , cabbage , carrots , leek , etc.
Sell Cup Sealer Machine for Gallon, Bottle and Glass, Automatic Production Machines. Serving orders over Indonesia. Engine 4 line capable of producing 4000 cups per hour. Machine 2 line capable....
Cara Pemesanan Pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui salah satu cara : Kirim email ke :, edy-putro@ Telpon/ SMS ke salah satu nomor berikut: 081252101699, 085649845888, ....
We sell Fish Pellet Machine , or commonly referred to as the Printer Tool Pellet Feed Poultry and Fish . The choice that we offer is capacity 100kg and 160kg capacity . Pricing options as needed : ....
Maksindo machine shop , machine selling small and medium businesses , food machinery , agricultural machinery and packing machines for businesses and business . Name : Dita Hima Sucipto " mesinindo....
We accept reservations lunch boxes . The food menu can be customized to order.
KSU Faza Zahra is a business entity that facilitate the activities of small industrial enterprises of various business sectors in Malang, with ENTITY: No. 518/ 7 / 35.73.112 / 2009, DATE AUGUST 3, ....