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Maju Bersama Machinery
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Mesin Pembuat Crepes
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Gas Fryer
Mixer Daging ( meat....
mesin pencetak mie....
Mesin Giling daging ( ....
pemanggang Kebab ( ....
Gas Noodle Cooker
Bain Marie Conter
mesin Perajang singkong
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Komplek pertokoan Sawojajar Permai Jl. Danau Toba E-25
Malang 65100, Jawa Timur
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Mesin Pembuat Crepes
These crepes making machines 40 cm in diameter, some use electric or gas heaters.
Mesin Pencampur....
Dough mixing machine to mix the batter serves meatball meat, spices and meat until evenly mixed with good results. This machine uses electrical power. Machine design is very nice....
Gas Fryer
gas engine with the fuel gas fryer is equipped with a thermostat for temperature control, 17 liter oil capacity, suitable for fried chicken, etc..
Mixer Daging ( meat....
dough mixer for meat, dough application for meatballs, sausage, and nugget. available with various capacities.
mesin pencetak mie....
Electric noodle making machine serves to attenuate and to make noodles, with low electrical power. with 2 mi width of 2 mm and 3mm
Mesin Giling daging ....
This meat grinding machine serves for meat, peanuts, and onions. available with various capacities.
pemanggang Kebab ( ....
kebab grill machine, with a stand-alone burner for gas efficiency, beef steak can be shifted back and forth, drip tray, stainless steel body, the spin motor. using gaseous fuels.
Gas Noodle Cooker
Stove to boil the noodles with the fuel gas, consisting of 6 holes together in a tank, a drainage, 2 burner, and a water faucet.
Bain Marie Conter
Bain Marie counter is a tool or place for storing, displaying a warm and ready meals, suitable for restaurant, catering, etc..
mesin Perajang....
Chopper machine cassava and tubers, with a capacity of up to 100 kg / hr. Wedge-shaped chips
Mesin Continus Gas....
continuous gas filling machine serves as a sealer as well as added air inside the packaging, so it has better packaging. applications for the bakery, snack.
Mesin Perajang daun....
Tea Leaf serves chopper machine for tea leaves until finely chopped before being dried.
Mesin Penutup Botol
This machine serves to close the bottle model, available to cover the plastic bottles and metal caps ( kempyeng)
Mesin Pemanas dan....
engine heaters and towel warmers are suitable for hotels, saunas, a swimming pool.
mesin perajang buah....
fruit and vegetable slicing machines of various shapes
mesin pemecah kemiri
hazelnut-breaking works to break down the skin hazelnuts, until ready for market.
mesin granulator
granulator machine is made granules ( granules) round.
Granulator machine is able to create a granular organic fertilizer granule and granule fertilizer phosphate
mesin jahit karung
sack sewing machine is a machine for closing bags, suitable for packing animal feed, etc
mesin pencacah....
the enumerator machine grass, serves to destroy the grass before it is processed into compost
oven pengering....
Versatile drying oven, use an electric heater, extremely suitable for use during the rainy season.
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